Starting a Local WCAS Chapter (revised on 4-26-20)
Organizing a local WCAS chapter is rather simple. Contact us early so we can assist you in launching a WCAS chapter in your area.
There are three WCAS events per year, occurring on Sabbath afternoons. Where possible, we prefer that all chapters hold the event on the same day. There is power in knowing that fellow believers around the globe are contemplating on the same theme on the same day and joining together in prayers regarding specific issues.
WCAS Planning Committee (WCAS.pc), composed of representatives from several WCAS chapters, selects the theme for each event. Our themes pertain to current events in the world and in the church, particularly the end-time events. Three sub-topics are selected for lay speakers’ presentations. WCAS.pc provides a prospectus with a brief overview of each topic, with Scriptural and Spirit of Prophecy references. Using the prospectus as a guide, each presenter can prepare a 20 to 30-minute talk according to his/her convictions after additional personal study. The message should be positive and up-building, rather than negative and critical.
When starting a new WCAS chapter at your location, speak to like-minded members of your church and the neighboring churches. Select a representative person. Then contact the head elder and the pastor and request the church board to approve hosting a WCAS event at your church on a scheduled date. Specify if you plan to collect a WCAS offering and/or serve a light supper after the event. The offering will go to WCAS after local expenses are deducted. Follow the proper procedure for counting the offering.
Select a speaker for each topic, from among lay persons or retired pastors. Supply them with the event prospectus. Arrange for a moderator to facilitate the meeting. Typically, we allocate 20-30 minutes for questions towards the end of the program. The panel of 4-5 people including the presenters can answer questions from the audience. It is important to get everyone involved.
Assign some greeters and persons to collect the offering. Enlist the PA/media team to assist with the event. If you plan to live-stream or record your event for use on YouTube, name your YouTube recording “World Church Affirmation Sabbath, _______ (Your location), _________(Date)”. Make sure the presenters and the moderator have consented to be recorded and streamed to a large audience.
If planning a fellowship supper, ask someone to coordinate the food and the kitchen help. Fellowship among the lay members is an important part of our event.
Provide WCAS bulletin inserts to your area churches for 3-4 weeks prior to the event. Use your church website, Facebook, and other ways to advertise. WCAS.pc usually prepares the announcement and the program files for each event. These can be customized for your location.